$240.00 USD

Hidden Meanings of the Trigrams Seminar

Instructed by Stuart Alve Olson

To understand the I Ching (Book of Changes) and how to interpret the hexagrams, you must first have a clear understanding of the associations and meanings of the Trigrams (Ba Gua, Eight Images).

  • Date: January 14, 2023
  • Location: Zoom (Seminar will be recorded. Videos and handouts will be made available to each participant within a few days of the seminar event.)
  • Time: Noon to 3 pm CT (short break at 1:30 pm)
  • Timezone: 10 am PT, 11 am MT, 12 pm CT, and 1 pm ET
  • Fee: $240 per person


Seminar Schedule

Part One: Stuart discusses why each of the Eight Trigrams is assigned its yin and yang lines. He will also explain the hidden meanings behind the I Ching’s use of the three lines, the six lines, and the nine positions.

3  6  9

Interestingly, Nikola Tesla claimed the secret code of the universe was in the numbers 3 6 9. The I Ching, composed some 3,000+ years earlier, was entirely based on these numbers—trigrams (3), hexagrams (6), and the Lo and Ho River Maps (9).

Part Two:
 Stuart describes the meanings behind the correlations of the Eight Earthly and the Eight Heavenly animal signs, and how these relate to the Before Heaven and After Heaven Arrangements of Trigrams.

  • Heaven (Qian) trigram relates to Horse (terrestrial) and Dragon-Horse (celestial)
  • Earth (Kun) trigram relates to Ox (terrestrial) and Unicorn (celestial)
  • Water (Kan) relates to Pig (terrestrial) and White Snake (celestial)
  • Fire (Li) relates to Pheasant (terrestrial) and Magic Tortoise (celestial)
  • Wind (Xun) relates to Birds (terrestrial) and Phoenix (celestial)
  • Thunder (Zhen) relates to Yellow Dragon (terrestrial) and Purple Dragon (celestial)
  • Valley (Dui) relates to Sheep (terrestrial) and Monkey King (celestial)
  • Mountain (Gen) relates to Dog (terrestrial) and Mountain Tiger (celestial)

Part Three:
 Stuart explains the significance of the After Heaven Arrangement and how the After Heaven and Inner hexagrams are used to bring clarity to the Before Heaven (the casted image) hexagram.


For I Ching enthusiasts, this seminar will truly bring about a deeper understanding of the function of the trigrams and the inner workings of the I Ching as a whole.