Becoming a Closed-Door student includes access to the pre-recorded classes from the Laying the Foundation Program and the ability to meet with Stuart online twice a month in one-on-one private sessions.
A Closed-Door Student (關 門 第 字, Guan Men Di Zi) is someone who commits to truly cultivate their spirit with the personal guidance of a teacher over a long-term period.
This program is right for you if:
- You’ve been practicing consistently for a long time and found that you’ve reached a plateau practicing on your own. You are ready to apply the practices you’ve been doing towards a path of Internal Alchemy but need the right information at the right time and the personal guidance of a teacher.
- You’ve been practicing on your own on and off, and you feel ready to become consistent in your practice and need the support of a personal teacher and a small group of other dedicated students to help you along the Way.
- You are ready to focus on cultivating Taoist practices intensively to have a transformation in your health and revitalize your energy and youthfulness. Or you’re ready to shift your approach to life because the norms of our society have not been working for you, and you crave a deeper sense of freedom and peace from within.
As a Closed-Door Student, month-by-month through the year you will receive guidance about how to practice Internal Alchemy with the purpose of forming the elixir (developing and combining Jing and Qi) to awaken your spirit (Shen).
Internal Alchemy is one of the natural laws of the Tao for reverting back to the source.
Taoists seek to awaken the spirit to return to the Tao, which means to live in harmony with the spiritual energy that permeates and is the source of all existence. When you live in accordance with the natural laws of the Tao, the underlying nature of all phenomena, you experience clarity and tranquility, wisdom and compassion, and a state of ease.
Most traditional Taoist texts on Internal Alchemy are written in metaphorical language and students need a knowledgeable teacher to guide them through the advanced-level terms and practices. They need someone who can prompt them to do the right thing at the right time in their individual practice so they can attain the most positive results.
Without a teacher, you risk putting in effort without it leading anywhere or having negative results from not harnessing the powerful energy in the right direction.
Stuart has been described as a “Teacher’s Teacher in Taoism” because even the most experienced and knowledgeable teachers find his expertise and guidance instrumental to their spiritual development.
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